What Kind of Fish Is Dory?

Dory is the name of the charming and slightly naive companion who first appeared in Pixar’s 2003 blockbuster, Finding Nemo. Immense popularity gave Pixar its feature film in 2016, fittingly named Finding Dory.

It’s well known that Nemo, and Marlin, his father, are clownfish. So the question is, what kind of fish is Dory?

Following the success of the film Finding Nemo, the hobby of marine fishkeeping elevated clownfish to the status of “poster child.” As a direct consequence of this, they are pretty common in saltwater aquariums all over the globe.

To know the answer read the article. So let’s dive in! 

What Kind of Fish Is Dory From Finding Nemo?

What Kind of Fish Is Dory From Finding Nemo?
What Kind of Fish Is Dory From Finding Nemo?

In the movies “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory,” the character Dory is a Royal Blue Tang from the Indo-Pacific area. The official name for this species is Paracanthurus Hepatusas.

Blue tangs live in warm seas. They can be found from 2 to 40 meters deep, and can be 12 inches (31 cm) long. When they are young, blue tangs consume nothing but plankton for food. As adults, however, they are omnivores, meaning they consume algae and invertebrates, including plankton, as part of their diet.

Fish Dory is responsible for performing an essential function in the oceans and seas. They consume the algae that grow on coral reefs, which is very beneficial since it prevents the algae from becoming overgrown and crowding out the corals. Blue tangs need the architecture of coral reefs to avoid being eaten by predators such as tuna, bar jacks, and groupers. Blue tangs hide among the branches, holes, and crevices found in coral.

Is Dory a Poisonous Fish?

Is Dory a Poisonous Fish?
Is Dory a Poisonous Fish?

Cyanide is often used in the fishing industry and to catch blue tangs and other tropical saltwater fish. Fishers catch every very single “Dory” from the wild.

One of the seventy different species of surgeonfish, known for the sharp, poisonous spines that run down the length of their tails, includes the royal blue tangs. The fishers keep these spines near the body, but when the fish feels threatened or anxious, they may expand outward to make a frightening figure.

How Old Is Dory the Fish?

A regal blue tang’s lifespan may range from 8 to 20 years. That’s an extensive range. Since we know from the movie Finding Dory that it only took her classmates at the Marine Institute a few short seconds to recall both her and her parents, we may safely infer that it has not been all that much time since Dory was born.

What Color Is Dory the Fish?

What Color Is Dory the Fish?
What Color Is Dory the Fish?

Nemo, the energetic blue fish with black stripes and a brilliant yellow tail is known as the Palette Surgeonfish, Flagtail Surgeonfish, Powderblue Surgeonfish, Regal Tang, and Hippo Tang. Other names for the fish are Powderblue Surgeonfish, Palette Surgeonfish, and Palette Surgeonfish.

It is possible to get the wrong idea from the name. There are times when the fish is a different color than blue. When there is no light to bounce off the fish’s coloration at night, the fish looks almost entirely white with violet highlights. Additionally, the fish is yellow while it is still a juvenile.

How Much Does a Dory Fish Cost?

How Much Does a Dory Fish Cost?
How Much Does a Dory Fish Cost?

The sale price of blue tang fish may range anywhere from $60 to $250, depending on the size and availability of the fish. Autumn is the best time to buy these fish since there is an abundance of them at that time.

Final Words

The fictional character Dory from Finding Nemo and Finding Dory is about a real fish called a Pacific Blue Tang fish, and in scientific name Paracanthurus Hepatusas. to give it its proper name. As they become older, their colors may lose their vibrancy; in fact, many of them may acquire a belly that is a light yellow color.

But, these tangs have been known to survive as long as twenty years, or even longer in some instances. So if you haven’t seen Dory in either “Finding Nemo” or “Finding Dory,” you need to go in front of your computer screens immediately and fall in love with the lovely woman.