Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet?

Our four-legged pals engage in various peculiar and endearing behaviors, such as chasing their tails, wailing in response to the sound of sirens, rolling about in the grass, and licking every part of us. Many individuals have dogs who enjoy licking, but the question is, why does a dog lick my feet in particular? Even though it can be revolting to us humans, our dogs can’t get enough of licking our toes and fingers.

So let’s find out why!

Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet?

Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet?
Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet?

There are many hypotheses regarding why dogs lick feet, but we may never know for sure.

Licking feet is a natural dog behavior. Licking someone’s foot seems weird to most people. However, it may be a bonding ritual, a relaxing activity, and even appetizing for dogs. So why do dogs lick their feet? Here are the reasons:


Dogs lick feet for two social reasons. First, dogs kiss your feet to demonstrate their devotion. Many people call a dog’s affectionate licks “puppy kisses.” Dogs slobber our faces, hands, and feet. Some pups can barely reach your feet. Grooming and licking family members show dogs’ affection and strengthen ties.

Dogs express respect by aiming their tongues towards your toes. For example, your dog may be licking your feet to assert authority over other canines. By licking you and keeping low, they’re saying, “I respect you.”

They Care

A mother dog licks her pups to keep them clean, express her affection, and stimulate defecation. Even mature dogs lick their wounds or each other’s because their saliva may prevent infection and speed recovery. Plus, it comforts their buddies when they’re sick.

Folk medicine and tradition suggest that a dog’s lick will heal people. The ancient Greek healing deity had a holy dog that would lick people and cure them.

Your dog may lick you if you’re sick to make you feel better and to clean wounds. They’re helping in their heads. They’re most likely comforting you.

Tasty Feet

Your dirty, sweaty feet are sometimes appealing to your dog. Whether sweat or crumbs, your canine can taste and smell whatever you’ve walked in and probably thinks it to be appetizing.

If your dog licks your sweaty feet or arms, it may like the salty flavor or have a mineral shortage. They probably enjoy the flavor.

Little Licky

Some dogs are lickers; if your dog licks your feet, they may be licky, and your feet are an accessible target.

Dogs licking your feet are hard to ignore. Your dog may have learned that licking your feet is a good way to get attention. Most dogs will gaze at you to communicate, and if that doesn’t work, they’ll paw at your arm, boop their nose on your thigh, or lick your hands and feet.

This relates to the belief that dogs lick feet seeking attention. So, for example, when your dog recently licked your foot, you either startle and scold them, or you chuckle and pet them. Either way, you focus on your dog, and they’ll quickly realize it’s a successful technique to attract your attention (positive or negative). Licking sounds like a good method to attract your attention.

If you’re ticklish, your dog may have misinterpreted your laughing as approval for them to lick your feet. They may have believed wriggling your tickly feet was a game.

When a dog licks you, you coo and embrace them because they kiss and love you. Since hugging is positive, they’ll lick your feet more frequently to get a snuggle.

Stress Relieving Licking

A dog’s licking produces endorphins, which reduce pain and tension. Your dog may be self-soothing by licking your feet, their own feet, toys, or the floor. Foot-licking maybe your dog’s method of settling down after fireworks or a weekend away.

Consistent licking may alleviate tension and discomfort, which might mean your dog is anxious or uncomfortable. If the behavior persists or they exhibit indications of disease or suffering, have your vet check them.

Compulsive or Obsessive

It may be a compulsive behavior if your dog licks your feet constantly. Some dogs have a near-obsessive urge to lick, maybe your feet.

Dogs can engage in “excessive surface licking.” Physical issues or behavioral abnormalities might cause these behaviors. Therefore it’s important to visit a vet and perhaps a behaviorist.

Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet After Shower?

Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet After Shower?
Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet After Shower?

If your dog is licking at your toes after you get out of the shower, it’s probably because your feet smell and taste so good. Your dog is not only expressing their affection by licking you (this is a significant part of a dog’s love language) but also because your dog finds the taste of your wet feet exquisite.

Well, at least they have a wonderful flavor for your dog. It’s not something that appeals to everyone, but many dogs like doing it. Give them any attention or affection while doing it. They’ll almost surely continue to take pleasure in it.

But it’s possible that it’s not the sole explanation. This is one of the many reasons your dog may be licking your ankles, soles, and other parts of your foot.

To Release Stress

Licking anything causes a dog’s body to produce endorphins, a hormone that reduces feelings of tension and pain when released. If you see that your dog often licks things like your feet, their own feet, their toys, or even the floor, they are probably doing it to relax.

Suppose there have been loud noises, such as fireworks, or you are away from the house for the weekend. In that case, your dog may be licking your feet to relax after a time of heightened anxiety.

Because excessive licking has been shown to alleviate stress and pain. The fact that your puppy is engaged in persistent licking may indicate that they are unhappy or in discomfort. If the behavior does not change or they exhibit any indications of sickness or suffering, you should get them examined by a veterinarian to rule out the possibility of a more serious issue.

They’re Just Obsessed

Your dog may have developed a compulsive behavior if it seems to be licking your feet at every chance and continues to do so for lengthy periods. Some dogs have an almost compulsive desire to lick, and although your feet could be the object of their attention, it might also be something else.

One of the many repetitive behaviors in dogs is “excessive surface licking.” Vets always recommend contacting a professional and maybe a behaviorist to evaluate what is causing your dog to behave unusually. This is because these behaviors might have origins in medical issues or other behavioral disorders.

How to Stop Your Dog From Licking Your Feet?

How to Stop Your Dog From Licking Your Feet?
How to Stop Your Dog From Licking Your Feet?

The best way to prevent your dog from sneaking up on you is to be aware of when they like to lick your feet the most and take steps to prepare yourself in advance for a sneaky lick assault. Additionally, it would be best if you made an effort to avoid allowing your dog to lick your feet.

Instead of paying positive or negative attention to your dog, you could try moving away from him. This will have the same effect. Don’t say anything and avoid making eye contact, but keep a neutral expression on your face. To check whether this helps you, attempt to walk away from your dog or leave the room.

If it doesn’t work, you might try moving further away from your dog to see if that helps.

Please give them a chew toy, a food puzzle, or anything else that will make their licking more pleasurable, such as a lick mat, to divert them. This will lessen their potential for negative behavior. As a result, they will have something else to do except lick, which will cut down on the time they spend doing it.

Keep your message constant and ensure that what you say matches what you’ve been saying. Your dog won’t be able to understand what you are trying to tell them if you give them conflicting signals. Instead, be consistent and clear in your requests when communicating with them about the behaviors you want them to engage in and those you don’t.

It is vital that you analyze the reason for the behavior if you notice that your dog licks you in an abnormally large quantity. However, it is important to try to recall when they started licking themselves excessively since this might indicate that they are frightened or not feeling well.

Should You Stop It?

If you don’t mind your dog licking you, it’s perfectly safe in most circumstances. So if you have concluded that your dog is licking your feet to get some love and attention from you, then you should allow them to do so. So it all comes down to how different species interact.

The act of licking your feet may also provide your dog with the opportunity to participate in an activity that is calming. Licking your gorgeous salty feet that smell so much like you may help your dog relax if they are feeling anxious. This can help your dog feel more at ease.

It would be best if you made it a point to investigate the reasons behind your dog’s excessive licking. That’s because you will know when the behavior is innocuous and when it may become obsessive. Therefore, you should take your dog to the doctor as soon as possible.

Final Words

Licking is a normal, instinctual habit that all dogs show. They do it to groom themselves and communicate eagerness and devotion. They will also lick the other dog in the household, the family cat, your face, and your feet.

They will even lick other people’s feet. Either you may choose to divert the behavior, or you can choose to embrace it. Remember that you should talk to your dog trainer, a veterinarian, or an animal behaviorist if it appears to be getting out of hand.

Seeing your canine companion lick your feet is very cute, but a dog licking your feet can mean multiple things. Dog’s foot licking behavior has numerous indications as well. Dogs love or sometimes are just obsessed over licking your feet and just can’t stop licking.