Why Do Dolphins Jump

dolphins  jump

Everyone likes to see jumping dolphins that frequently keep coming out and going back into the water. There have been many debates among animal behavior experts regarding this jumping behavior of dolphins. While such debates will continue, some common reasons have been found out. These reasons may or may not describe this jumping behavior appropriately. Check out what experts believe in.

To save energy

Some scientists think that jumping or taking a good leap can be a way to save energy in dolphins. Since dolphins are smart and intelligent, they take a long jump in air rather than swimming through the denser water. Thus, they save their energy in every leap they take. You may even observe dolphins moving along with a running water wave. They are actually saving their energy by using the energy of a wave for travelling.

To find food

There is another belief that relates this jumping behavior of dolphins with food search. Experts think that dolphins get a better view of seawater when they are above its level. Thus, they can check those places where food can be found in plenty.

To communicate

A few research studies suggest that dolphins jump out of water in order to communicate with their mates. Certain types of jumps can give specific signals to other dolphins. While jumping, you may also listen to some clicking or whistling sounds. These sounds are also made by dolphins for communicating with other dolphins.

To clean themselves

Sometimes, parasites stick to the bodies of dolphins. It is thought that dolphins often jump out of water to shed these parasites off their bodies.

To protect themselves

Another reason of dolphins jumping out of water is for the avoidance of attacking small sharks. They want to protect themselves from such attacking creatures by coming out of water.