Why Do Snape and Lily Have the Same Patronus?

So, why do snape and lily have the same patronus? To protect oneself, one might cast the magic Patronus. The spell transforms light into animals, such as deer, owls, geese, cats, mice, and others.

A Patronus serves two main purposes. The primary goal is to keep bad guys like Dementors at bay, and one may use a Patronus to send a message.

Harry in Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows reveals Snape and Lily Evans share the same deer Patronus. It’s quite similar to the Patronus that James and Harry use. But why do Snape and Lily have the same Patronus? Is there a link between them? Let’s find out!

Why Was Lily’s Patronus the Same As Snape’s?

Why Was Lily's Patronus the Same As Snape's?
Why Was Lily’s Patronus the Same As Snape’s?

Snape is so in love with Lily that he has the same Patronus as Lily.

To summon a Patronus, one must perform two things: speak the spell, “Expecto Patronum,” and think about one’s happiest moment in life.

Severus Snape was most likely aware that Lily Potter’s Patronus was, in reality, a doe(A female animal). Snape had an eternal, undying crush on Harry Potter’s mother, Lily Potter.

Severus Snape’s Patronus had the same shape as Lily Potter’s because of his deep, passionate, and all-consuming emotions. He was the sole Death Eater with the ability to cast a Patronus because of his undying devotion to Lily Potter.

Snape loved Lily Potter; whenever he cast his doe-shaped Patronus, it showed his eternal love for Lily. Every reader of the Harry Potter books will recall that chapter or moment.

Snape’s Patronus assuming the appearance of his everlasting, one true love makes perfect sense given that Patronuses are a concentrated, magical form of hope and happiness. Hence, his Patronus makes perfect sense considering his everlasting and true love for Lily.

Snape is devoted to Lily, loving and loyal to her even after she rejects him in favor of James Potter. It shatters his heart when he realizes he can’t protect Lily from Voldemort.

He owes Lily and her son Harry a debt of gratitude; therefore, he does his best to protect Harry. Considering how Snape has devoted his life to loving Lily, it’s not hard to see why the two share the same Patronus charm.

Why Did Snape Call Lily a Mudblood?

Why Did Snape Call Lily a Mudblood?
Why Did Snape Call Lily a Mudblood?

Snape lost his cool under pressure and spoke the word around Lily. In other words, he felt ashamed. But, as he was upset that Lily did not like Snape’s best pals, he made the unfortunate mistake of calling her a mudblood.

Why Was Dumbledore Surprised By Snape Patronus?

Why Was Dumbledore Surprised By Snape Patronus?
Why Was Dumbledore Surprised By Snape Patronus?

Snape’s Patronus looked exactly like Lily’s, which caught Dumbledore off guard.

What Was James Potter’s Patronus?

What Was James Potter's Patronus?
What Was James Potter’s Patronus?

Although James Potter now has a Stag Patronus, this might have been different when he was younger. Due to this similarity between his Patronus and his Animagus, Harry’s father was known as “Prongs” throughout his time at Hogwarts. It’s no accident that Lily’s Patronus is a doe and James’ is a stag, said the creator of the wizarding world J.K. Rowling.

Final Words – Why Do Snape and Lily Have the Same Patronus?

Harry Potter books are very famous and even beneficial to the brain.

Snape and Lily both have the same Patronus for various reasons.

When Snape fell in love with Lily, his Patronus supposedly altered. Possibly, his feelings for Lily caused him to use a more potent Patronus spell, mirrored in Lily’s own.

It’s also possible that Dumbledore misunderstood Snape’s Patronus. Harry probably thought Snape’s Patronus reflected his feelings for Lily when it more likely symbolized his closeness to Lily’s mother, Petunia.

Also, since you’re already interested in Harry Potter stuff, check out “Why Did Snape Kill Dumbledore?