Which Cars Are Least Likely to Have Catalytic Converter Stolen?

So, which cars are least likely to have catalytic converter stolen? When you initially buy a vehicle, you may not consider the chance that someone may steal your catalytic converter, but you should do so, nevertheless.

As it turns out, certain automobile types are more vulnerable to theft than others, and the cost of a new one is sometimes prohibitive.

This article will focus on the least probable vehicles to have their catalytic converters stolen. Read on if you’re worried about this possible danger!

Which Cars Are Least Likely to Have Catalytic Converters Stolen?

There is a much-reduced risk of the catalytic converter being taken from a vehicle if it is in the engine compartment. A large number of American automobile models, in addition to several Asian car brands, often feature catalysts with a lower value. In addition, you can purchase a diesel or electric vehicle or an older model that does not have a catalytic converter fitted.

Here are some of the cars least likely to have their catalytic converter stolen.

Specific Makes and Models of Motor Vehicles

Specific Makes and Models of Motor Vehicles
Specific Makes and Models of Motor Vehicles

Catalytic converters found in vehicles manufactured by American manufacturers like Ford, Chevy, Jeep, Dodge, and Chrysler are of lower quality and consequently have a lower resale value. Hence, this makes it less likely that thieves may steal these converters. This classification also applies to automobile manufacturers’ models, namely, Nissan, Hyundai, Mazda, and Subaru.

Several companies used cat patterns, restricting the number of precious metals found within. However, most thieves engage in sufficient investigation, which enables them to avoid purchasing products from these manufacturers.

Automobiles That Have Converters Installed Within the Engine Compartment

Automobiles That Have Converters Installed Within the Engine Compartment
Automobiles That Have Converters Installed Within the Engine Compartment

In a few automobiles, the catalytic converter may be found in the engine compartment rather than farther back on the automobile’s exhaust system. Because of how manufacturers designed it, it is far more difficult for a burglar to take it.

A burglar would require more effort to steal these converters so that they would go for an easier target elsewhere. This category includes various automobile models, including those manufactured by Audi, BMW, Honda, and Volkswagen, among others.

Automobiles Manufactured Before 1974

Automobiles Manufactured Before 1974
Automobiles Manufactured Before 1974

Suppose you are the owner of a vehicle produced before 1974. In that case, you do not have to be concerned about the possibility of having your catalytic converter stolen. That’s because the manufacturers have not fitted catalytic converters in any of these automobiles.

After that point, the government took measures to reduce the pollution released into the atmosphere. Because of this, having a catalytic converter installed in your car is now a legal requirement.

Electric Cars

Electric Cars
Electric Cars

Catalytic converters are devices that clean up the pollutants produced by diesel or gasoline fuel. Consequently, there is no provision for a catalytic converter in automobiles that run on electrical power instead.

There is no need to clean anything up since the automobile does not produce any gaseous waste. Therefore, the car will use no diesel or gasoline when you charge your battery by connecting it to an external power supply. The Volkswagen e-gold, the Audi E-Tron, and the many models offered by Tesla are among the most sought-after options.

Diesel Vehicles

Diesel Vehicles
Diesel Vehicles

A unique catalytic converter is present in diesel cars as opposed to those in gasoline-powered automobiles. However, most of those who steal converters know that these values are far lower than the value of gas catalytic converters.

Manufacturers don’t often use Platinum, rhodium, and palladium in the construction of diesel converters or what we more commonly refer to as particle filters. Because these are the valuable metals that thieves are after, diesel vehicles are often not their next target once broken into.

Automobiles Equipped With Bead Converters

Automobiles Equipped With Bead Converters
Automobiles Equipped With Bead Converters

Bead converters have a cavity inside of them stuffed with beads. Even though they are much bigger, bead converters are not valuable. Hence, most experienced auto thieves know which vehicles include these components.

Bead converters were often present in Chevrolet vehicles. In addition, you may find a few additional types of GM cars of this kind.

If you want to know Why Are Catalytic Converters Stolen, check out our guide!

What Cars Are Hardest to Steal Catalytic Converters?

What Cars Are Hardest to Steal Catalytic Converters?
What Cars Are Hardest to Steal Catalytic Converters?

The government has taken steps to clean up the car industry by making it mandatory for all motor vehicles to come fitted with converters. The converters on the automobiles with the lowest total worth of precious metals are the least likely to be stolen. However, this does not necessarily indicate that criminals will not take converters from such cars.

For instance, vehicles that have faulty catalytic converters have a very low chance of being stolen. That’s because they fetch very little or almost nothing at the scrapyard and are thus not likely to be a target for thieves.

Thieves often calculate the value of a converter catalytic by taking into account the model of the automobile, the year it was manufactured, and the kind of engine it has.


Because they do not have converters, cars made before 1974 have the lowest risk of being stolen because they are the least likely to be targeted by converter thieves. As a result, there is no longer a risk of theft associated with antique and vintage models.

Diesel Vehicles

Diesel converters contain nearly no precious metals, and because of this, they are not very valuable to criminals.

Electric Vehicles

Catalytic converters are not necessary for electric vehicles since the vehicles do not release any gaseous chemicals into the atmosphere. Instead, you may recharge the battery in the vehicle by an external connection to an energy source. Hence, the vehicle does not need the usage of fuel or diesel. They are not gasoline-powered and do not need a catalytic converter since they do not produce exhaust. Therefore, criminals who take converters don’t have any chance of getting their hands on an electric car.

Protected Catalytic Converter

Catalytic converters are standard equipment on more recent models, including the most current iteration of Honda’s Accord, released in 2015, and variants of the Jazz. Theft of the converters becomes more difficult for criminals as a result of them being protected in an enclosed casing.

Least Risk Makes

Several companies produce catalytic converters. As a result, these converters are often of a lower value and are hence less likely to be stolen. Their converters do not include any precious metals. Therefore, it is quite unlikely that criminals would try to make off with them because they are not worth anything in their possession. This is what they are –

  • GMC
  • Hyundai
  • Dodge
  • Jeep
  • Chevrolet
  • Subaru
  • Mazda
  • Chrysler
  • Nissan

What Year of Cars Are Most Likely to Have Catalytic Converter Stolen?

What Year of Cars Are Most Likely to Have Catalytic Converter Stolen?
What Year of Cars Are Most Likely to Have Catalytic Converter Stolen?

Cars made before 1979 since they don’t have converters.

What Vehicles Have the Most Valuable Catalytic Converters?

What Vehicles Have the Most Valuable Catalytic Converters?
What Vehicles Have the Most Valuable Catalytic Converters?

In general, the value of the converter increases in direct proportion to the size of the vehicle’s engine.

Vehicles with pricey catalytic converters are more likely to be broken into by thieves since the thieves may make more money off these converters’ scrap metal.

The catalytic converter found in the Ferrari F430 is the most expensive.

The catalytic converter for a Ferrari F430 reportedly costs $3,770 according to the year 2022. In addition, it calls for two converters; as a result, the whole cost would be $7,540 even before accounting for labor expenses.

The Lamborghini Aventador, whose converter you can purchase for $3,120, is the converter that holds the position of being the second most expensive. Similar to the Ferrari F430, the Lamborghini needs two catalytic converters; hence, the total cost of the replacement will be $6,240.

It is possible that the catalytic converter for the two vehicles would seem to be somewhat pricey. However, if you can pay for the automobiles, you will also be able to pay for the catalytic converters.

The Ram 2500 comes in at number three on the list of vehicles with the most expensive catalytic converters. It is not a luxurious automobile such as a Ferrari or Lamborghini. Because of this, its replacement price might go up to $3,460.

The Ford F-250 comes in at number four. It has a price tag of $2,804, representing a considerable drop in value compared to the previous three.

The Ford Mustang converter comes in at number five on the list of most valued and sells for $1500, which is a reasonable price.

Catalytic converters typically cost between $800 and $1200, with the average cost falling below that price range. The price of the catalytic converter might vary greatly depending on the make and model of the vehicle.

Final Words – Which Cars Are Least Likely to Have Catalytic Converter Stolen?

Because they contain valuable precious metals, catalytic converter theft is very common because they are a target for criminals.

Due to the absence of a catalytic converter, vehicles manufactured before 1974 have the lowest risk of having their catalytic converter stolen. Convertor installation, on the other hand, is now part of the law and applies to every car. Catalytic converter thieves have also become smart. Due to this, Catalytic converter thefts have increased a lot. The catalytic converter they steal the most is a valuable catalytic converter.

Therefore, the likelihood of having one’s vehicle’s catalytic converter taken from them is lowest for automobiles containing less precious metals.

Because it is so difficult to steal these types of automobiles, criminals are less likely to target other vehicles, including those in which the converter is inside the engine component.

However, this does not imply that criminals will not steal them. Thus, it is imperative that you take all necessary precautions to prevent the theft of your converter at all times.