Why do babies cry after birth

Why do babies cry after birth

Immediately after the baby’s birth, babies are expected to cry within 30 seconds to one minute of their lives. This crying is necessary for the baby to survive because while inside the mother’s uterus, the babies do not take breath from their lungs. It is the umbilical cord which provides them with fresh oxygen and takes away carbon dioxide from their blood stream. Once, outside their mothers’ womb, the babies need to breathe on their own.

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Why do babies drool

Why do babies drool

Most of the times you will find babies drooling and wetting their clothes. Before understanding the reasons which make them drool we need to understand what saliva is and what its function is. Saliva is a natural oral secretion which helps in keeping our mouth wet and aids in digesting food. Saliva also keeps washing teeth and keeps germs and dirt away. In addition, saliva also lubricates the lining of esophagus and keeps the acidity reflux controlled in children. It also contains a healthy substance called epidural growth factor which helps the intestinal lining mature fast.

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Why do babies chew on their hands

Why do babies chew on their hands

As babies grow up, they begin to do several acts and gestures which make the parents surprised and happy about the growth of their child. Some of the gestures surprise them and some of them raise a cause of concern. For many parents, especially first time parents, the habit of their little child chewing fingers or hands raises an eyebrow. Parents get confused about their baby’s this particular behavior.

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