Pregnancy makes your body change in major ways to accommodate the baby fetus. Morning sickness is a part of pregnancy which women have to face. The truth is that women feel nausea and vomit during pregnancy. The unease and nausea feeling is intense at the morning. That’s why such discomfort is termed as morning sickness. It is a misconception that women don’t feel uncomfortable at other times of the day. But for most women the discomfort subsides after the morning. All women do not feel morning sickness equally. Some women do not suffer from morning sickness at all.
Around the sixth week of pregnancy the symptoms of morning sickness become apparent in women. It lasts for about 6 weeks. After the 12th week of pregnancy the morning sickness subsides. It can be very exhausting for women and makes them tired. Estrogen which is the main reproductive hormone in women is responsible for morning sickness along with other reasons. During the first months of pregnancy there is a drastic increase in the production of estrogen. This is also the time when the HCG hormone levels increase in the body of pregnant women.
Pregnant women become more sensitive to different smells and taste. The extra sensitivity often makes them feel nausea when a certain odor goes to their nostril. Some doctors believe that the morning sickness is resulted from a bacterium inside the stomach of pregnant women. Its name is Helicobacter Pylori. Though not proven scientifically this might be the cause of nausea. High stress levels can also cause nausea during pregnancy. Women who are going to deliver twins will suffer more during this time. This is because the level of hormones in their blood gets increased and coping with such hormonal changes is very difficult for the body.