Are you confused about whether being a programmer is a good career choice or not? Well, it is! Being a programmer means good respect and good amount of earning like winning a game show every day.
If you love programming, then it will be fun to make new things every day and for a good programmer it will be like living their dream and winning a lottery, as no one can stop you from earning loads of big bucks. But from where do you think programmers get to earn so much?
IT and computers are the two fields that are currently making the world swivel. World’s one of the largest working area is covered by IT and computer application companies. Even as a freelance programmer you can earn up to $300 per hour. The demand of good programmers is too high and many major companies are waiting to offer them a lavish salary package. Even if you are a weak programmer you can earn up to $45,000 per year.
If you are thinking the reason behind the high demand of programmers, then you will be amazed to know that now every online activity is controlled by programmers, as people are getting more and more influenced by the online exposure and spend most of the time online, doing every single work from shopping to booking tickets. And what do you think made all these activities possible? Yes, the answer is programmers! And the companies require more programmers to handle the demands.
Basically, the global demand of programmers is making the field so popular. Even for bachelor’s degree graduates in computer programming are offered an average salary of $60,000 per year and it can go high to $ 96,000 per year.
Currently, every sector needs programmers so the growth is one major reason why programmers earn so much money.