Why do programmers confuse Halloween and Christmas

Why do programmers confuse Halloween and Christmas

Programmers getting confused between Halloween and Christmas is quite normal as for programmers Dec 25= Oct 31! Well if you are a non-programmer it will definitely make no sense at all. For as a non-programmer you may recognize the abbreviation for Dec 25 as December 25th and Oct 31 as October 31st both are known to every one as Christmas and Halloween.

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Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas

Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas

Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and Christmas is on December 25th. There is absolutely nothing in common between these two dates but only for a non-programmer. For a non-programmer mixing up these two dates makes absolutely no sense but that is not the case with a programmer. For a programmer it is a practical joke! Want to know why? Then let’s understand why programmers mix up Halloween and Christmas.

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Why do programmers use Linux

Why do programmers use Linux

When it comes to programming, passionate programmers are always picky about the operating system to be installed. Operating system is the base of programming and it has been witnessed that programmers prefer Linux over all other operating systems. But why do they choose Linux when they can choose from a number of highly advanced operating systems such as windows and Mac OS? Let’s find out!

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