Why do people put pennies at gravestones

Why do people put pennies at gravestones

Bidding farewell to the dead is a well known custom and it consists of many age old traditions. Both the Christians and the Muslims are buried but pennies are put only at the gravestones of the Christians after burial. The desire to receive worldly goods even after death can be observed in many ancient cultures. For example in the Egyptian culture people used to make high and mighty tombs or the pyramids and fill them up with gold, jewelry and other luxury items so that they can live comfortably after passing away.

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Why do like charges repel each other

Why do like charges repel each other

In nature nothing happens without a reason. Every substance is made up of atoms and molecules. There was a time when it was assumed that atom is the smallest part of a substance and it cannot be broken. With the progress of science we have come to know that each atom has three subatomic particles named electron, proton and neutron. The electron is negatively charged and the protons are positively charged. When an atom loses the negatively charged electrons it becomes positively charged and when new electrons enter an atom it becomes negatively charged.

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Why does moon change shape

Why does moon changes shape

The moon does not change shape. It is a satellite moving around the earth. Just like earth other planets of the solar system have their own satellites that move around them. Planets also have their own orbits and move around the sun. Earth has two different types of movements. It moves around its own axis once every 24 hours. We measure time with the help of the movements of the earth. The continuous movement of the earth and the moon creates some visual illusions. It seems that the moon is slowly disappearing from the sky leading to the creation of new moon and then it slowly comes back to its full moon avatar.

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Why do animals’ eyes shine in the dark

Why do animals’ eyes shine in the dark

It looks eerie and even sinister the way some animal’s eyes glow in the dark. When photographed their eyes look like small balls of green or golden fire. Some animals have red or orange tints as well. Many horror stories use this phenomenon to scare us but not many of us know that the shining bright eyes of the animals are a purely biological incident. The animals that have to perform necessary tasks at night, such as hunting, need to see in the dark. This way their chances of survival increases. Dogs and cats have been domesticated but still they are nocturnal hunters and need to see in the dark.

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Why do animals migrate

Why do animals migrate

Migration is not bound to a particular definition. We try to categorize particular movements as migration but it is not always possible. Animals change their habitats and shift their base from one place to another for different reasons. Like humans, animals also try to find the best facilities for themselves and their offspring. Generally when animals go from one place to another for some reason at a certain season, it is termed as migration. Animals and birds tend to follow a familiar route and always go to the same place for the same purpose. They are bound to the habits of migration but sometimes it is difficult to determine if their movements can be categorized under migration or not.

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Why do cats’ eyes glow in the dark

Why do cats’ eyes glow in the dark

Nature has created us in such a way that we can perform all our tasks with the given organs. Evolution has taken care of the fact that our changing requirements are met by our capabilities. Cats are nocturnal animals that prey when darkness falls. They need to see both in daylight and in dark nights. A cat’s eye glows in the dark or at night so that it can see its ways around and can catch a rat or hunt for food. Whether you possess a pet cat or not, you have probably noticed how the eyes of cats gleam and shine in the dark and felt curious.

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Why do ants like sugar

Why do ants like sugar

We generalize ants as if they all eat the same type of food and inhabit same places. The truth is that there are over 2000 different types of ants and the different species live in different places. Ants are there in the hot desserts and you will find them even in snowy, mountain regions. Their food habits widely differ from each other. Ants are very social insects and they hoard food for future use. They work in groups and hunt for foods over a large region. Often we observe how ants get hold of tiny pieces of sugar and bread. They seem to love anything sweet and sugary. This is mainly because sweet things provide glucose and energy.

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Why do ants walk in a straight line

Why do ants walk in a straight line

Imagine having to live without your GPS and going to unknown territories for job every day. It can be very difficult. Humans are not the only social living beings. The ants are also very social and like to live in a well behaved and organized society. All their work is done in an organized method. They live in a colony and work hard every day to find food and take it back to their nest. Unlike other insects or even animals they don’t just eat the food they find but take it back for others at home. The ants walk in lines for several reasons, the main of them being survival.

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Why do cars overheat

Why do cars overheat

No one wants to be stranded on a road and wait hours for a mechanic or tow car to arrive. The overheating of your car can lead to many dangerous consequences. It is always better to check your car and do regular maintenance so that the problem of overheating does not surface. Sometimes the temperature sensor of your car makes mistake in reading the temperature accurately and even the gauge can be faulty. Before calling for help or coming to a conclusion, checkout if your car is actually overheated. Start the cooling fans as the first necessary measure to bring down the rising temperature.

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Why do referees wear stripes

Why do referees wear stripes

A game is worth watching only when we know that it is being played under the strict observation of a good referee. A referee ensures that there is no duplicity in the game and the players behave themselves. In the beginning there were no referees and disputes were discussed and sorted by the two opposite team captains. This used to put unnecessary stress on the captains. The team captains then started bringing umpires with them who would oversee the game from a neutral perspective. Later on the presence a third party umpire, uninvolved with both teams, became necessary. The game of football in America is played under the cautious and experienced supervision of the referee and his team.

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