Why do people get married later

Why do people get married later

Marriage has turned into a choice from a tradition. Previously people used to marry for convenience but now days they marry out of choice or desire. From an early era of civilization marriage has been a part of the social structure. Marriage is the formal start of a family life. Within the boundaries of this legal relationship you can give birth to kids and raise them with the support of the national law and government. With time the beliefs have changed and so has psychology of common people. It is now possible in the developed countries to raise kids alone and laws have changed to provide support for children who have born without wedlock.

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Why do people marry someone they don’t love

Why do people marry someone they don’t love

We all are social beings and secretly fear being judged. Even in today’s world people marry for convenience and not for love. Marriage as a social system or tradition was invented for security and to determine paternity. The property laws are based mainly on marriage and marital rights. We glorify marriage as the unison of souls and in some cultures it is believed to be the bond that stretches beyond life. The truth, however, is not all sweet and mushy. Many people marry because they want to be accepted in society and seem more respectable.

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Why do dried fruits swell when they are cooked

Why do dried fruits swell when they are cooked

Fruits are usually juicy and yummy. Dried fruits are also tasty but the best part is when we cook dry fruits they become juicy once again as if by some magic. Dry fruits are rich in various nutrients and it is a great habit to use them in your recipes and especially the desserts. Fruits are juicy because they have sap inside them which keeps the seeds nourished until they are ready for germination. Fruit is the storehouse of baby plant food. Dry fruits do not have sap but when cooked they soak the water from the broth and swell back to their previous size.

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Why Do Football Players Wear Fanny Packs While Playing?

Why do football players wear fanny packs while playing

Introduction Football is a demanding sport to play. You can’t stop once you get started; you have to play and perform in any situation. It’s beneficial to be prepared to play in inclement weather. Football can become a brutal sport at times, and players must protect themselves with appropriate clothing and accessories. Players must maneuver … Read more

Why do tiles crack

Why do tiles crack

Cracked tiles look bad and accumulate dirt. You have to pay money for getting the tiles repaired immediately. Such sudden expenditure can come as a setback. Tiles may crack due to different reasons but the most primary reason is a problem regarding installation of the tiles in the first place. The ceramic, porcelain and stone tiles all can get cracked and you will not be able to detect installation problems beforehand. It is true that ceramic or stone floors do not need regular maintenance and they are sturdy but still cracks may appear ruining your perfect and costly flooring.

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Why do men urinate blood

Why do men urinate blood

Both men and women can have blood in their urine but it is more common in women. The presence of blood in the urine of men is termed hematuria. The blood can cause the urine to turn pink or red. Some men have found that their blood turned a muddy or rusty color due to the presence of blood. The blood clots can be visible. If the blood clots are big in size the affected person can find it difficult to urinate. Hematuria is generally categorized as visible and invisible depending on the visibility of blood and change of the color of urine.

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Why do you procrastinate

Why do you procrastinate

The bad habit of prolonging a work or not touching it until the very last moment is called procrastination. Many of us suffer from this habit and have to suffer unnecessary stress due to this. It is always better to finish the job at hand and then take a break or relax for some time but some people would just delay in starting the work even after knowing that they need to finish it immediately. The question is why we tend to procrastinate and how to cure this bad habit. Understanding the root causes behind procrastination can help us get rid of it and finish our work with lots of time left in hands.

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Why do we build skyscrapers

Why do we build skyscrapers

Skyscrapers are a result of the belief that only sky is the limit of ambitions. The skyscrapers are a wonder of modern innovative construction methods and they demonstrate the power of technology and human capability. The skyscrapers are not just high and mighty in their outward appearance. They have the most modern facilities till the very peak. People aspire and plan to buy apartments in skyscrapers or book office rooms in one of them because they give a strange sort of thrill and feeling of power. Looking down at the world from a high rise apartment house gives us an indefinable pleasure.

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Why do we marry

Why do we marry

Marriage is a socially supported system which legally permits having kids, sex and divides the property according to rules. The benefits and usefulness of marriage has been questioned by many but it still holds significance despite of the changing dynamics of our society. There was a time when getting pregnant without marriage was thought to be shameful but in today’s world women can raise kids without marriage. Women have become more self-sufficient and independent and can support themselves. Marriage used to be the only means through which women got financial stability before but now that is not necessary.

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Why do people wear clothes

Why do people wear clothes

Clothes are a part of our identity. It is solely human invention as no other species wear clothes. There are many different reasons behind covering our bodies with clothes and it has gone through several changes and huge evolution. Primitive people did not bother to cover all their private parts. They used to roam naked and even today if we look at some tribal people we can observe that they decorate their bodies with tattoos and colors instead of wearing clothes. Clothes differentiate men and women. The female body is covered to evoke interest among men and create an aura of mystery regarding the private parts that cannot be seen.

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