Why do parents abuse children

Why do parents abuse children

Child abuse is a serious problem and affects millions of children world over. Child abuse involves physical violence, verbal and emotional abuse and neglect. All these negative things affect a baby’s mental makeup badly and do not let the children flourish to their optimum. Child abuse by parents themselves is probably the biggest crime against children because here the perpetrators are their own parents, who are supposed to protect them from all evil things and nourish them to cherish best things of life.

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Why do people abuse


There is no single, logical answer to this otherwise simple question. The reason may vary person to person, depending on their background, the kind of relationship they are in, seeing others abused or for that matter, by choice. The answer isn’t as simple as you might consider for why people opt for this seemingly irrational thing. However, abusing is a normal condition of life for such people and plays a pivotal role in their day to day lives. So we’re analyzing some of the reasons for why people abuse in the following lines.

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