Why do married men have affairs


There are people who have affairs before marriage, and then there are people – men or women – who go on with extramarital affairs, sometimes more than one. They say this tendency is more in men than women. While the debate on as to who does it more is subjective and can vary as per the society, we aren’t going to focus on it here. Rather, we are to discuss this tendency in married males. So the question arises why married men have affairs. There are scores of answers, find the best one (pun intended) that suites you.

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Why do men cheat

Why do men cheat

A slew of reasons may contribute to men’s infidelity in a relationship. Men cheat because they crave for complete satisfaction: emotional, psychological, and amorous in most cases, in their lives. If they don’t get it inside the marriage or a relationship, they go out to seek the same. Let’s try to find out what motivates men to cheat their better halves:

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