Traveling alone doesn’t rally sound all that appealing though it has gained both popularity as well as acceptance in society of late. The single traveler doesn’t get stared at so much today as he or she would have a few decades ago though for many, the concept still sounds bizarre and unthinkable. We explore a few reasons that motivate people to travel solo.
people travel
Why do people travel to Thailand
Thailand today has become synonymous with a having a good time on annual vacation. The country has always been a hot favorite with travelers from Australia and New Zealand for a few decades now though western travelers have only just begun to take note of the all the offerings that Thailand presents to global tourists.
Why did people travel in the middle ages
Most of what we know about the middle ages comes from whatever people from the era or those that came after them wrote down or whatever was passed down in folklore down generation that lives through those times. However, judging solely by recorded history, we can answer with some certainty some questions like what motivated people to travel during the middle ages.