Teens are not the most well behaved of all age groups. They are unruly, they can be very temperamental and at times they are literally a threat to themselves. Self injury is not uncommon among teenagers and more often than not they use lighters and razor blades to injure themselves even when they aren’t suicidal. Let’s find out why teens hurt themselves.
Why do teens get acne
Acne is an attribute of adolescence. This is the time of life when most individuals start getting acne. This can be frustrating because acne develops into ugly looking pimples that leave scar marks on our faces. Though make up can hide the acne scars too a great extent it is not advisable for teens to wear makeup all the time and guys cannot opt for makeup. Acne causes your skin to have black little spots termed as blackheads, white spots called whiteheads, pimples and even cysts of different shape and size. The reason behind such skin problems must be learnt to prevent them successfully.
Why do teens stress
Teenage or adolescent years are marred with conflicts and controversies. Generally it is believed that teen years are years of fun, frolic and living life to fullest, but you ask any single adolescent about how is it going and the chances are that he/she will come up with a long list of issues and problems?
Why do teens get depressed
Teenage is probably the toughest phase of life. On the outside, it may look like a phase of fun and frolic but if one examines it deeply, it is not that easy to lead a life of a teenager. To begin with, the teens face many kind of changes in their body, emotional status their mental make-up due to spurt of hormones in their body. These hormonal twists and turns take some time in settling down in the body. Before settling, they create lot of chaos in a teen’s life. For example, girls begin to experience their menstrual periods during this age. Most of the girls get depressed before or after menstrual cycle due to hormonal interplay. Similarly, boys also get sometimes depressed and sometimes elated due to hormonal fluctuation.
Why do teens get pregnant
Teenage pregnancy is a growing problem across the world. Teenage pregnancy is not good for girls (and their boyfriends); since their bodies and minds are not mature enough to handle the stress of pregnancy, delivery and raising the baby. Still teenage girls get pregnant.