Why do you want to study business management

Why do you want to study business manage

Business management is one of the most sought after streams of education in the moment and a degree from a premier B-school pretty much ensures you a lucrative job with a big management firm. Unlike the motivation behind, say wanting to become a doctor (“I want to save lives”), the motivation behind wanting to study business management isn’t always so clear. We try to find out why people want to study business management.

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Why do men take so long in the bathroom

Why do men take so long in the bathroom

Anyone who has ever lived with a man knows that men take a lot of time in the bathroom. We know they aren’t spending their time grooming, doing their hair or putting on face packs. So what the heck do men do in the bathroom that takes them so long? Let’s find out some popular reasons.

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Why do Catholics make the sign of the cross

Why do Catholics make the sign of the cross

Crossing oneself or making the sign of the cross has become synonymous with the Roman Catholic faith. A catholic priest makes the sign when blessing someone and a follower of the religion makes the sign when receiving a blessing in church or passing by a church or even when feeling thankful or frightened.

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Why do businesses advertise

Why do businesses advertise

Advertising is an essential part of running a business. In the old times, a good business reputation was sufficient to help it sustain its customer base. However, as competition has grown in the market, businesses have found it hard to lure customers their way. Here are a few reasons why businesses advertise.

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