Why do dogs wail

Why do dogs wail

Remember all those old wives’ tales about dogs wailing in the presence of ghosts, spirits or the reaper? Maybe that is why you get so spooked whenever you hear a dog wailing nearby. Well, there is no need to worry about that anymore for studies have revealed that dogs wail for a variety of reasons other than warning you about a spooky, evil spirit lurking around nearby (which is a myth by the way)! And here are some of the more common reasons as to why dogs wail.

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Why do male dogs mark

Why do male dogs mark

You must have seen dogs lifting their one leg and urinating on vertical surfaces. The amount of urine may be too small to qualify even as peeing but still they tend to do so frequently. So, do you wonder what are they are doing? What is the purpose of this typical behavior? As a matter of fact, the dogs do not pee when they raise their leg very frequently; they are busy with the process of scent marking- a common behavior among dogs. Dogs above the age of 3 months generally engage in scent marking. Both, female and male dogs can urine mark but usually male dogs urine mark often. Dogs mark for a number of reasons. 

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Why do people believe in conspiracy theories

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories

The recent Boston marathon bombings followed by the allegation of the woman (whose sons were found culprits in planting the bombs) that government was conspiring against his innocent son made me think about conspiracy theories. What is so intriguing about conspiracy theories that people believe in them despite all the evidence indicating diametrically opposite facts?

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Why do mosquito bites itch

Why do mosquito bites itch

Sometimes it is the smallest things that can inflict the greatest pain. Case in point: a mosquito bite! The moment one of these nasty insects bite you, your body automatically kicks in its defense mechanism to block the area from infection. Maybe that would explain the red bump and pain you experience immediately after a mosquito bite. And that would be the part that is easy to handle.

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