Why Do Dogs Escape from Homes

Has your pet dog ever troubled you by running away from home? If so, then it is very important for you to understand the reasons why pet dogs run away. While you may find your dog for once, it may escape once again. By understanding their behavior, you may be able to prevent it from occurring repeatedly. Check out here some common reasons that lead dogs to escape from your home.

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Why Do You Require Pet Insurance

Purebred Beagle (female); six years old; "Natasha"
Purebred Beagle (female); six years old; “Natasha”

As human beings need medical and life insurance to ensure their security, don’t you think that your dear pet also requires insurance? While many pet owners may not have thought of considering this option for their pets, it is actually an important thing that you can do for them. Even though you feel that your beloved cat or dog is perfectly healthy, you need to understand that they are also getting older with time.

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Why do dogs bark at night

Why do dogs bark at night

There’s nothing more annoying than your neighbor’s dog barking at night just when you are about to hit the bed. Worse yet, there is nothing you or your neighbor can do anything about it. Apart from the general perception that dogs bark at night to bay at the moon or ward off strangers and supposedly evil spirits, there are several other reasons for a dog to bark incessantly at night. And here are some of the more common ones.

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Why do dogs get worms

Why do dogs get worms

When it comes to domestic animals, many people think that fleas or ticks are the only big issue. However, there is another huge concern associated with the pets, especially dogs. These are worms. Just like fleas, dog also get different types of worms. These can cause mild to severe infections in them. Therefore, if you want to prevent such infections, you have to know the basic reasons lying behind it.

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Why do dogs eat their feces

Why do dogs eat their feces

If you are the owner of a dog, chances are big that you have got surprised as well as irritated multiple times to see your pet eating its own poop.  Have you ever thought of what makes it do so? Well, “Coprophagia” or “the habit of deliberate intake of feces” is a common inclination of dogs and there are more than a few reasons behind it. Following are some of those physiological, psychological and behavioral causes:

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Why do dogs have bad breath

Why do dogs have bad breath

Bad breath is a very common problem in dogs. Majority of dog owners experience this issue at times and get surprised to think that what could cause that awful breath in their pets. Well, dog’s bad breath can be the upshot of a number of minor to moderate reasons. However, if the owner does not take proper care, this might result into serious medical problems of digestive tract, respiratory tract and oral cavity. Here are some potential causes of bad breath in dogs:

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Why do dogs eat cat feces

Why do dogs eat cat feces

Do you hate to see the mouth of your doggy stuffed with cat feces? You can place your cat’s litter box away from the way in of your puppy, but it does not offer a guaranteed solution to the problem. So what can you do to get rid of this nightmare? Well, you have to dig into the root cause and find out why actually dog eat cat poop.

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Why do dogs wail

Why do dogs wail

Remember all those old wives’ tales about dogs wailing in the presence of ghosts, spirits or the reaper? Maybe that is why you get so spooked whenever you hear a dog wailing nearby. Well, there is no need to worry about that anymore for studies have revealed that dogs wail for a variety of reasons other than warning you about a spooky, evil spirit lurking around nearby (which is a myth by the way)! And here are some of the more common reasons as to why dogs wail.

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