Why Do We See Nightmares While Sleeping Soundly

Nightmares While Sleeping

While everybody would want to see the dreams that take them into a magical and happy world, some people also face tragic and disturbing nightmares while they are deep asleep. Actually, dreams only come when you are into a deeper phase of your sleep that is also called the REM (random eye movement) sleep. However, let us try to understand why some people often see nightmares instead of sweet dreams and wake up terrified and scared.

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Why do brains have a wrinkled surface

Why do brains have a wrinkled surface

The brain of human beings and other smart animals have wrinkles. It has been observed that all animals do not have a wrinkled brain. For example the brains of frogs have a smooth surface. Evolution is responsible for the ugly wrinkles that our brain possesses. The folds and creases give it a distinct appearance whether we like it or not. The brain is like a modular kitchen. In a kitchen we need to keep so many different appliances, gadgets, utensils and store grocery items. All of us are not lucky to have infinite kitchen space. Human innovation has helped us in making kitchens where there is plenty of storage space that folds pretty easily and leaves room for us to move around. The same logic has been applied on our brain by the nature.

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Why do brain freezes happen

Why do brain freezes happen

Brain freezes can be very painful and sudden. It does not happen to all of us but some people experience a burst of pain at the forehead when they eat or drink something cold. In the language of medicine the stab like pain on the forehead that comes with eating ice-cream or cold drinks is called sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. Such a hefty term is not easy to use so we just call it brain freeze. As we have studied Newton’s Third Law we know that every action produces a reaction. The brain freeze is the physical reaction we get from eating very cold food or drink. It is also termed as the ice cream headache.

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