Why Do Some Men Take Part in Movember

Why Do Some Men Take Part in Movember

If you have just heard about the word Movember and want to know more about it, then let us tell you that it is a unique event that is celebrated in several parts of the world every November. In fact, the word has originated by the mingling of two words – Mo and November. You will be surprised to know that this event is also known as No-Shave November, simply because men do not shave during the entire month of November.

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Why Do You Need to Eat More Tomatoes

Why Do You Need to Eat More Tomatoes

While tomatoes are colorful and juicy, these are also delicious and healthy. If you had not been eating too many tomatoes in your diet, then here are some reasons why you should start doing it now. Tomatoes can really do wonders to your health and fitness.

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Why do kids sweat when they sleep

Why do kids sweat when they sleep

Most kids (infants especially) sweat while they are in a deep stage of sleep. While one can so easily relate night sweats in children with heavy pajamas they wear, too many blankets we clad them in or a fever, other serious conditions may include some types of cancer, HIV/AIDS, and thyroid or autoimmune disorders. Since parents find it difficult to trace the exact reason, what they simply do is remove blankets, lower the temperature in the bedroom or put their kid to bed in lighter pajamas – instead of consulting a doctor for the same.

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