Why Do Kids Suck Their Thumbs

Why Do Kids Suck Their Thumbs

Thumb sucking is a common habit among toddlers who start sucking their fingers due to soothing effects of it. Most of the kids start it as a reflex action and leave this habit after their early years, but some of them continue practicing thumb sucking for a longer time period. It can have harmful effects if kids are not stopped from putting their thumbs into mouths. However, you may need to know the reasons for thumb sucking in case you have to stop your kids’ habit.

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Why Do Kids Become Addicted to Video Games

Why Do Kids Become Addicted to Video Games

When children make excessive use of video games and remain hooked on to them all the time, it can be called nothing less than the addiction to video games. It is critical to know the reasons behind their addiction to video games, as kids may otherwise become socially isolated and underachievers due to excessive game playing. Check out what majorly causes them to become video game addicts.

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Why do kids stutter

Why do kids stutter

Stuttering among kids can be a difficult challenge for both parents and the children. But before worrying about your kid’s stuttering issues you should know about the reasons it happens. Very little kids learn to talk by hearing. Some are fast learners and pick up words easily but some learn slowly. There is nothing abnormal about it as the capacity of learning is not equal in every kid. There is a stretch of time when kids slowly start uttering words that they have picked up. At this stage of development they may stutter because speaking in a certain language is a new experience they are getting accustomed with.

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Why do kids nose bleed

Why do kids nose bleed

Often while playing, kids tend to nosebleed and they come running to you frightened by the sight of blood and considering it something seriously wrong with their bodies. For a moment you may begin to feel jittery seeing your child crying and bleeding. Do not panic. Most of the times it is not harmful and will stop in some time.

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Why do kids talk in their sleep

Why do kids talk in their sleep

Nattering during the sleep is quite common among kids as well as adults. In medical parlance it is known as somniloquy.  You may feel upset when you find your child talking clearly in his/her sleep and may wonder whether this is some kind of disorder. To begin with, be assured that this is not any kind of medical problem. Talking while sleep is a disorder called parasomnia.

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Why do kids stammer

Conversation together

Many parents worry about their kids stammering and begin to take it seriously right from the beginning, hurting the child’s self esteem. What needs to be understood is that stammering is quite common up to five years of age and disappears by the time a child reaches 6th year of her life and hence is considered a normal phase of speech development among children.  Only 5% of kids develop stammering as dysfluency – problem in the flow of speech.

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Why do kids feel dizzy

Why do kids feel dizzy

Kids can feel dizzy for a number of reasons. Sometimes, dizziness is temporary caused by rides in amusement parks, not drinking enough fluids during hot days and allergies. These reasons are not any cause of concern but if your child complaints of persistent dizziness then consulting your pediatrician is very important.

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Why do kids eat paper

Why do kids eat paper

Eating nonfood items is quite common among kids. Generally kids eat non food items during the age of 1-3 years when they are exploring the world around them and their sense of taste is the most developed one through which they try to learn new things around. Kids eat all kind of things at this age including paper. This habit of eating non food items is known as pica. The specific causes of pica are unknown so far but certain conditions can aggravate this tendency among kids. Some of the major reasons identified so far include nutritional deficiencies, emotional and mental problems, developmental problems, etc.

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Why do kids bite

Why do kids bite

Biting is quite common among toddlers. Of late, if your child has been biting quite frequently and it makes people raise their eyebrows then it is important for you to understand as to why do kids bite? Basically kids bite when they want to cope with a challenge or want their needs to be fulfilled.

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