Why do we celebrate Christmas

Why do we celebrate Christmas

We celebrate the birth of Christ every year on the 25th of December. These celebrations are known around the world as Christmas. Festivals are necessary for a lot of reasons. It gives people a chance to enjoy themselves irrespective of their social position or their monthly income. Festivals give us a chance to reunite with our friends and family and give us a break from the monotony of routine work. These reasons are strong enough in favour of celebrations and festivals but have we ever thought why we celebrate Christmas? It is believed that Christ was born on this day but there is no proof of this assumption.

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Why Do We Have Christmas Bells

Why Do We Have Christmas Bells

There is nobody who does not get attracted by the jingling of Christmas bells. These bells have been associated with the Christmas festival in a traditional way. Since Victorian times, people have been singing Christmas carols while carrying hand-bells. Christmas bells used to synchronize with the carol tune. In fact, some people only used to go out with Christmas bells, without singing. Bell ringing has since been popular as a Christmas tradition.

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Why Do People Light Up Christmas Trees

Why Do People Light Up Christmas Trees

It has been a tradition for more than a thousand years to use an evergreen tree for celebrating Christmas and other winter festivals. People decorate their houses with Christmas trees and light them up with candles or artificial lights. However, have you ever thought why they put candles and lights on their Christmas trees? Let us tell you the actual reason why people do so during the festive season.

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Why Do We Hang Christmas Stockings

Christmas Stockings

Hanging stockings up is one of the most delightful traditions in Christmas. Even Christians that live in warmed regions and do not have a fireplace, hang up stockings as a part of their Christmas celebrations. Most Christians believe that on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus comes down the chimney and leaves a present for children that have been nice all year round in the hanging stockings. While the tradition has been a part of Christmas celebrations for many centuries now, the reasons behind it are not always clear to everyone. We explore the legendary basis behind the tradition of hanging up stockings at Christmas.

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Why do programmers confuse Halloween and Christmas

Why do programmers confuse Halloween and Christmas

Programmers getting confused between Halloween and Christmas is quite normal as for programmers Dec 25= Oct 31! Well if you are a non-programmer it will definitely make no sense at all. For as a non-programmer you may recognize the abbreviation for Dec 25 as December 25th and Oct 31 as October 31st both are known to every one as Christmas and Halloween.

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Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas

Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas

Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and Christmas is on December 25th. There is absolutely nothing in common between these two dates but only for a non-programmer. For a non-programmer mixing up these two dates makes absolutely no sense but that is not the case with a programmer. For a programmer it is a practical joke! Want to know why? Then let’s understand why programmers mix up Halloween and Christmas.

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