Why Do We Shiver


When you are out in a cold environment, you start feeling shivers after some time. You may also feel the same after taking certain medicines and treatments. However, the reason behind your feeling of these shivers is your nervous system and reflexes. Basically, it is your nervous system that keeps you safe and maintains your health by controlling your reflexes. Your nervous system includes your brain, spinal cord and nerves. These nerves carry all kinds of information to your brain so it can decide to take the right action.

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Why do common cold symptoms seem to get worse at night

Why do common cold symptoms seem to get worse at night

Cold and cough can be very annoying and bothersome. It makes us more uneasy during the night. The choked nose, the coughing and the breathing trouble at night doesn’t let you rest or sleep in peace. Due to this you feel sleepy and groggy during the day, feeling worse. Have you ever thought why the cold seems to get worse at night time? Some people apply common logic and believe that as they do not work or keep their minds busy in any other work or buzz, the intensity of the uneasiness seems to increase.

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Why do old people get cold easily?

Why do old people get cold

Old people tend to get cold easily for a couple of reasons. Old age slows down the Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) – the complex chemical process in the body responsible for heat generation and many other things in the body. As BMR slows down, the body becomes less efficient in generating and preserving heat in the body. Consequently an old person’s body finds it hard to maintain the normal body temperature of 98.6 degree F.

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