Why do computers slow down

Why do computers slow down

With time every person or thing becomes old and debilitated. When we age, our power to work vanishes fast and we can only think about the times when we were young and agile. It is true that when our computers age it becomes old and do not perform as fast as we would like. Slow computers can be a bother because they disrupt your working pace and you have to unnecessarily wait around for a program to start. There are many different reasons which make your computer slow apart from old age and long use.

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Why do I need java

Why do I need java

The Sun Microsystems launched Java in the year of 1995. It is a programming language that helps you work with many different applications and software. Java is one of the easiest and trustworthy programming languages. Java can be used in all sorts of different computer devices. Nowadays it is being used in tablets, laptops and cell phones along with the supercomputers and household PC.  People who use Java never forget to upgrade their version because it is always free and ensures better performance. As the Java platform is integrated in most digital products, using and downloading Java has become easier.

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Why do we carve pumpkins on Halloween

Why do we carve pumpkins on Halloween

Each festival has a story involving it and such stories give raise to several traditions. It cannot be told with assurance that all the stories are true but the quirky traditions they start make our daily life more bearable. Halloween is one of the most anticipated festivals for the Christians. It is celebrated on the 31st of October each year. Theme parties are organized and both adults and children dress up like witches and monsters. Children go from one house to another asking for trick or treat. Every house is decorated with carved pumpkins and light is put inside it.

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Why do we blush

Why do we blush

Blushing is a phenomenon which often puts us in a troublesome situation. Things we want to keep to ourselves gets revealed and everyone gets to know how we are feeling inside. Let’s face it, we all have faced the awkward moment when our crush looked at us or gave a casual smile and we turned scarlet. Blushing is triggered by emotions which are attached with self-consciousness. We blush when we are feeling embarrassed, angry or when we are the center of attention. Fear and shyness can also cause blushing. Women and adolescent children blush more often because they are more self conscious.

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Why do songs get stuck in your head

Why do songs get stuck in your head

It can be very bothersome when a song gets stuck in your head and you cannot resist yourself from humming it all the time. Things get more disturbing when you lose your concentration and focus. Sometimes we cannot even recall when we heard the song or where but still the same lines repeat themselves in our mind. Funnily this happens more when we need to concentrate on some hard task. Such a bugging song is aptly referred to as an earworm. There are many theories regarding this strange phenomenon that may persist for days.

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Why do camels have humps

Why do camels have humps

Nature takes care of our different needs very well. It endows every animal in such a way that they are capable of taking care of themselves. This is evident from the fact that in different climatic regions different types of animals are born. Fishes can survive in aquatic environment and polar bears can live comfortably in the snow caped Polar Regions. The camels have also been endowed in such a way that they can survive in the adverse and tough desert climate. For days they have to go without water and food. That is why they have humps on their back.

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Why do we love music

Why do we love music

Scientists have not yet pin pointed the exact reasons that spur a hundred emotions within us when we hear music. Music does not only relieve our tension and stress it can also make us sad or emotional. Both laughter and tears are induced by music. Our brain has a tendency of attaching good and bad memories with certain songs or music as well as with some odors or place. The music directors know which musical notes will trigger an enthusiastic and happy response and which notes will make us sad and overwhelmed with grief. The science behind our response to music is still not clear.

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Why do humans have nails

Why do humans have nails

You beautify them and decorate them or just keep them short and businesslike but one thing you can’t deny is that nails are the constant companions of humans. We are so accustomed to our nails that don’t think about the reason of their existence. Nails come handy in many mini projects and a survival tool for us. When an attacker or enemy grabs us and tries to strangle us or something we try to claw them and dig their skin with our nails. In such circumstances claws are used as weapons. Basically all mammals and primates have nails or claws. Evolution has changed much of our primal body parts but kept nails as they are.

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Why do we need biodiversity

Why do we need biodiversity

One prime feature of nature is that it connects us all together. No single species can survive alone. We all, directly and indirectly, depend on each other for survival and well being. Our environment needs the participation of millions of different species to function steadily. Biodiversity gives our world the unique variety that is not found in any other planet of the solar system. Every species of flora and fauna has a particular duty to serve. With its extinction that duty will remain unfulfilled and create a hole in nature’s web. Such gaping holes can cause severe imbalance in our ecosystem.

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Why do we humans cry

Why do we humans cry

We all have cried at some point of time or other. Scientists are still speculating the reasons of human tears. Pain can make even the animals cry but only humans cry due to emotional stress. There are many contradictory theories regarding crying. The pang where our heart is followed by tears swelling up in our eyes is a common experience and we all had our share of it. Even good books, movies and music can induce tears. One of the opinions about tears is that it is the result of the human capacity for empathy. Often we merge ourselves with the characters of the books or the tragic hero of a movie.

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