Why Do America Have a Different Mother’s Day

Although you do not need a specially designated day to thank your mothers for all their giving, there is still a special day celebrated all across the world. This day is known as Mother’s Day, which is planned and celebrated in all mothers’ honor. Even though it is a day celebrated worldwide, it occurs on different dates in different countries. For example, Americans celebrate this respectful day on the second Sunday in May when children thank and pay tribute to their mothers for all their care and affection showered on them.

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Why Do America Support Israel

America Support Israel

Even though Israel has displayed criminal behavior and tried to manipulate the sovereignty of America, Americans still support Israel. What is it that has literally led American politicians to love Jews and Israel? On one hand, America comes to fighting conditions with Israel; while on the other hand, it supports Israel with huge military aid. Some people think that the main reason behind this special love of America toward Israel is due to Israel’s intense control over American mass media, as well as its federal government. However, there could also be some other reasons behind America’s support for Israel.

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Why Do America Think They Won WW2

America Think They Won WW2

There were several European and other nations involved in winning the World War 2. However, Americans have claimed many a times that they won this battle for Europe and saved it from the rule of Nazis. This was majorly because of the supplies America sent to Britain to fight this war. Many people believe that the supply of arms and ammunition was not done for free. America greatly exploited Britain for this favor. In fact, Britain was economically destroyed by the end of the World War 2. It had lost all its industrial and economic resources in exchange for the supplies received from America.

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Why do people go to America


Around the world, people believe that everyone in America has a nice job and lives in a large, 4-bedroom house fitted with the most modern luxuries and a white picket fence that overlooks an idyllic and peaceful street. Even though that really isn’t true, millions flock to America each year. We examine the reason that makes people go to America.

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