It is not just limited to street cats but your pet cats also nibble grass when they get a chance. If you have noticed your cat doing the same and have wondered about this behavior, then let us tell you that cats nibble grass for some reasons. Although they do not have the required enzymes in their bodies to digest grass, they still eat it because grass can support the digestion of some unwanted stuff that they actually eat as their food.
Why do plants appear green
One of the first things that a child learns is that plants are green. While at most times, the education about the color of plants stops here, there are a few who counter question that why exactly are the plants green? This might be one of the simplest questions, but ask yourself… do you really know the answer? Let us help you out with this. Plants are green because they have chloroplasts inside them, which are tiny organelles that plants require to carry on photosynthesis.
Why do leaves change color
Through their questions, kids often confuse us into believing that we know nothing about nature and its observable yet complicated phenomena. Why do leaves change color is one such question frequently asked by inquisitive kids. Most simply, leaves of deciduous trees do it to survive the winter. Trees absorb all essential nutrients from leaves and store them in their roots. Therefore, leaves look lifeless and pale when winter sets in.
Why do plants need sunlight
We love to see greenery around us. However, have we ever tried to answer some basic questions that may sound very simple in nature, but demand a reply for sure? Like why do plants need sunlight? Why they fail to grow that steadily with artificial light? What is a phototroph? And, what helps plants make their own food and ultimately flourish, and so on?