Why do Cats Knead

Domestic cat, or Felis Catus in Latin, is one of the most popular pets. Many people take in the furry, carnivorous mammals as pets. Domesticated cats or house cats receive a great deal of praise for their companionship. Over 70 distinct breeds exist for the feline companion.

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Why Do Cats Nibble Grass

Why Do Cats Nibble Grass

It is not just limited to street cats but your pet cats also nibble grass when they get a chance. If you have noticed your cat doing the same and have wondered about this behavior, then let us tell you that cats nibble grass for some reasons. Although they do not have the required enzymes in their bodies to digest grass, they still eat it because grass can support the digestion of some unwanted stuff that they actually eat as their food.

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Why Do You Require Pet Insurance

Purebred Beagle (female); six years old; "Natasha"
Purebred Beagle (female); six years old; “Natasha”

As human beings need medical and life insurance to ensure their security, don’t you think that your dear pet also requires insurance? While many pet owners may not have thought of considering this option for their pets, it is actually an important thing that you can do for them. Even though you feel that your beloved cat or dog is perfectly healthy, you need to understand that they are also getting older with time.

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Why Do Cats Lick Their Owners

Why Do Cats Lick Their Owners

If you have a pet cat at home that suckles you or licks you frequently, then do not be very happy by assuming that your cat loves you a lot. This behavior may mean something completely opposite to your thoughts. Here, we tell you about a few major reasons behind your cat’s licking habit.

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Why do cats run the internet

Why do cats run the internet

If you have logged onto YouTube or a popular social media website of late, you’re sure to have seen the latest cat video. Of course anyone who doesn’t like cats would surely be more than overwhelmed by the sheer volume of cat-centric videos and websites and fan forums all of which appear to worship cats more reverently than ancient Egyptians! So why do cats run the internet? Let’s find out.

1. House cats aren’t usually too expressive

Have you ever been around a house cat? If you have, you’d know that a cat’s life around a house basically consists of sleeping, licking itself and shedding all over your expensive couch! Most house cats, however, do not do adorable things like those felines in viral videos do! And that ladies and gentlemen is what makes internet cats so appealing.

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Why do cats chase mice

Why do cats chase mice

It’s all in the instincts. A well-fed cat may actually just look at the mouse and ignore it altogether. Cats are great hunters but when they stay indoors then they don’t primarily need to hunt around. They may just loose their “killer instincts” and may become too lazy to chase a mouse. Although this theory is quite prominent but still it can’t be generalized; and indoor cats still hunt and run after the mouse.

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Why do cats scratch furniture

Why do cats scratch furniture

The scientists have still not found any one definite answer for the reason behind cats scratching furniture. However, different studies have come out with different reasons behind cats’ scratching furniture. The first thing to keep in mind is that cats do not scratch furniture to spite you but they have been bestowed with this instinct to scratch by nature which obviously we can not stop.

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Why do cats purr

Why do cats purr

All members of the cat family (known as Felidae) including domestic cats, tigers, leopards, lions, cheetahs, jaguars and panthers purr. Purring generally means a tonal buzzing, which alternates between pulmonic egressive and ingressive airstream (and can go on for minutes). While the bigger cats do so when breathing out, domestic cats purr when they inhale and exhale.

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