Why Do We Study Math

Study Math

Mathematics is a challenging subject and most people like to study this subject because of it being clear and factual. It is fun for some people to solve its problems. They get excitement out of finding solutions to mathematical problems. It offers its own sense of satisfaction. Math is all about finding logical answers to simple and complex issues regarding a variety of patterns and structures. Many people like to analyze these situations and to make deductions that give useful explanations to scientific and technical problems.

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Why do people think math is the most valuable school subject

math is the most valuable school subject

Mathematics, for those that aren’t good at it, is a terribly terrifying subject for most people while more people consider humanities and languages relatively easier subjects at school. We examine some of the other reasons behind the belief that math is the most valuable subject taught at schools.

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Why do computers suck at Math

Why do computers suck at Math

Computers are built using maths. Every program that is written for them generally uses a lot of math and math is the language that we use to communicate with computers. It thus becomes very perplexing that computer programs like calculator and Excel and powerful search engines too suck at maths. In fact, calculators have been known to screw up basic computations like 12.52 MINUS 12.51 (Windows 3.11 calculator actually returns the result as 0.00 instead of 0.01). We try to explain why computers suck at maths.

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