Why do Institution Block Websites

You might certainly have come across several instances where you find that some Web sites have been restricted to be accessed from certain geographical locations. The phenomenon is known as Internet censorship while the content that is being blocked is technically termed as geo-blocked content.

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Why do Owls See at Night

Owls are one of the fascinating animals. They have furry built, peaceful nature, and a great vision. They are one of the several animals that are able to clearly see during the night and in dim light too, making them fascinating and impressive creatures. You probably might have stumbled upon an owl holding a torchlight or some other light source and then seeing their eye glowing.

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Why Do Some Men Take Part in Movember

Why Do Some Men Take Part in Movember

If you have just heard about the word Movember and want to know more about it, then let us tell you that it is a unique event that is celebrated in several parts of the world every November. In fact, the word has originated by the mingling of two words – Mo and November. You will be surprised to know that this event is also known as No-Shave November, simply because men do not shave during the entire month of November.

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Why do People Smoke Weed

For centuries, people around the world have enjoyed smoking weed. Scientifically known as Cannabis, the plant containing psychoactive compounds has several other names like joint, pot, grass, herb, boom, etc. Cannabis legalization is a boiling hot topic in the contemporary world. While some stress that it should be legalized, some others advocate that legalizing it will result into a disaster.

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Why do Tectonic Plate Movements Cause Earthquakes

You might have studied, or might be studying, a general introduction to tectonic plates inside the Earth’s surface during your school years. These geological objects undergo an interesting environmental phenomenon, technically called tectonic plate movements. It is a common thing that keeps on going beneath the Earth’s surface in different regions across the world. Only those plate movements that are impulsive enough are experienced on the surface.

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Why do we celebrate Christmas

Why do we celebrate Christmas

We celebrate the birth of Christ every year on the 25th of December. These celebrations are known around the world as Christmas. Festivals are necessary for a lot of reasons. It gives people a chance to enjoy themselves irrespective of their social position or their monthly income. Festivals give us a chance to reunite with our friends and family and give us a break from the monotony of routine work. These reasons are strong enough in favour of celebrations and festivals but have we ever thought why we celebrate Christmas? It is believed that Christ was born on this day but there is no proof of this assumption.

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Why do we celebrate Halloween


Halloween today is a largely commercialized festival today that most people believe to be an American invention. Typical Halloween festivities include watching horror films, going to costumer parties, telling scary stories, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, apple bobbing, lighting bonfires, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns and going “guising” or trick-or-treating. However, the festival has rather deep roots and explores the reasons why Halloween is celebrated.

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Why do Adventurous People Follow Bear Grylls Survival Tips

Most people that love wandering off in distant places and worn-out terrains, which others feel a bit off-color to go, knows exactly who Bear Grylls is. For a brief introduction, Edward Michael Grylls a.k.a. Bear Grylls is a Brit adventure, most notably known for the hit Survivor TV series Man vs. Wild.

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