Why do hands and feet sweat

sweating hands and feet

Are you the one facing the problem of sweaty hands and feet? Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. There are millions of people across the globe who suffers from the same problem. Also, feel relaxed because it’s not due to a health problem as such. It happens due to a medical condition called hyperhidrosis that can make your body parts like palm, feet, armpit and others to sweat out of proportion. There might be one of the following reasons that make you sweat more on your palm and feet.

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Why do people hate gays

Why do people hate gays

Folks who enjoy the status of being in majority always hate or denigrate those in minority. So, it’s but natural for straights to despise gays. However, they do it without a solid reason to defend their actions. As gays move out of the time-honored and the most natural sex practice (as we believe it to be) to fulfill their bodily and psychological needs, people who can’t empathize with their sensibilities find their love-making behavior to be inexplicable, despicable and indigestible as well. Blame it on people’s mental makeup, they hate homosexuality and thus, cannot consider anyone as a morally right person if he has atypical love-related preferences.

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Why do dogs chase their tails

Why do dogs chase their tails

Dogs chasing their tails are a common sight and a time honored tradition as well. While normally they do so to avoid boredom emanating from inaction, there are a slew of other reasons that throw a better light on their inexplicable pastime.

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Why do we lie

Why do we lie

We all lie, all the time and anywhere – be it in family, office, with friends, in a party or wherever we go. It becomes even more gruesome when we all know it’s bad and causes problems. But the tendency is still on and we all lie without a second thought, particularly when lying is harder than being honest to even practiced and proficient liars. Therefore, the question hovers why we do it. There are numerous reasons and innumerable searches on the same that unfolds the tendencies and reasons behind telling lie repeatedly. However, we are here to ponder over some of the major reasons behind this knowingly committed but avoidable social diabolic.

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Why do dogs bury bones

Why do dogs bury bones

Despite them being our most preferred pets for thousands of years, we still are unaware of the motives behind some seemingly weird behavioral traits and habits of our canine friends. The tendency to bury their bones is one such trait that dogs exhibit on a frequent basis. We normally get irritated or excited when we find them digging away. However, do we know why dogs do it?

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Why do dogs have whiskers

Why do dogs have whiskers

Far from being a purely cosmetic feature, whiskers is a highly functional set of stiff hairs found on the sides of dogs’ muzzles, which lies embedded deeply into the skin. Each vibrissa has a high concentration of touch sensitive nerves at its base. Working as a device that detects anything near the face, whiskers helps dogs avoid any possible obstacles or objects in their way. Moreover, the protruded hairs protect dog’s face and eyes against damage from an approaching object.

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Why do urban dwellers need flatpack furniture

Flatpack furniture

If you happen to live in an urban apartment setting, chances are rare that you have a huge house with lots of space. Since the living spaces in the cities are shrinking fast, it becomes important for the homeowners to choose the furnishings cleverly to make the most of the available space. Over the last few years, flat packed furniture has become a trendy choice with the homeowners, owing to the fact that flatpack furniture units are space saving, cost effective, and easy to transport, unpack and assemble.

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Why do we need laws

Why do we need laws

As we need to make a balance between our desires and resources to lead a better life, similarly we need a set of laws, to be followed by all the members of the society, to make the world a better place to live in. Without predefined laws or norms, the society would turn into a chaos, for every individual will only think and work to achieve his/her personal goals, through fair or foul means; no matter what is their affect on the society.

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Why do furniture make noise

why do furniture make noise 

While noise coming from your neighbors is irritating, noise from the furniture within your home is equally irritating. You might have noticed that furniture creak at night as soon as your electric devices like TV, laptop, toaster and others are off. The noise sometimes is loud enough to keep you awake the whole night. However, you just need to know certain things to keep that unwanted noise away from your homes.

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Why do trees have rings

Why do trees have rings

You are definitely on the wrong page if you think tree rings only denote the age of a tree. Aside from notifying you about the same, tree rings allows dendrochronologists to analyze past climate conditions and history of the tree. Let us delve in detail what tree rings actually stand for:

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