Why do people faint

Why do people faint

Fainting is a phenomenon that can happen to anyone under specific circumstances. The feeling of losing consciousness is not only strange but also fearful. Some people tend to faint often and some have never fainted in their life. It can stem out of severe physical conditions and if you are someone who has experienced fainting too many times recently then you should see a doctor and take his opinion. The basic fact is that when the blood flows to the brain, it gets halted for some reason a person loses consciousness. Surveys prove that people who have crossed 70 are more likely to faint when they receive shocking news of some sort.

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Why do we need oxygen

Why do we need oxygen

Our survival depends on oxygen. Oxygen is one of the most vital elements, the lack of which is immediately felt by us. Not just humans but all other animals, birds, amphibians and fishes also need oxygen for their survival. The most vital function of oxygen is that it provides us with energy. The food we eat gets digested in our stomach. After digestion the food transforms into simpler substances from complex compounds. The digested food then is transported to each of our body cells. But without oxygen the food that reaches our body cell will be useless.

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Why do we get dandruff

Why do we get dandruff

Dandruff is a diabolic problem and getting rid of it seems almost impossible as it keeps coming back. Understanding the reasons of dandruff may help you to combat it more efficiently. The problem of dandruff becomes apparent only after puberty, when we enter the teenage. This is the time when the oil glands of our body become more active and produce excess oil. Beneath every hair there is an oil gland which is responsible for producing oil. Excess oil can cause our scalp to become the nest of bacteria and infections. Unhealthy and dirty scalp can be the main reason of dandruff.

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Why do we get migraines

Why do we get migraines

Migraines are not just painful but it also poses a big impediment between us and a normal, healthy life. Migraine is described as a headache of sorts but it is definitely more than that. A person afflicted by this ailment feel very dizzy and nauseas along with the headache. They cannot stand light or noise of any sort and have to turn the lights off and hold a pillow over their ear in an attempt to shut off the sounds. Before adolescence the chances of getting migraine, between men and women, are equal but after the age of twelve, women become more prone to this ailment.

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Why do feet stink

Why do feet stink

Stinking feet may be the part of your personality that mars the other great qualities you possess. Many of us suffer from this problem yet very few of us understand the reasons that make our feet so smelly. It specially happens when you wear shoes that keep your feet enclosed for a long time. Smelly socks bear the evidence of just how smelly your feet can be. It makes us wonder how come our feet smell so disgusting than the other parts of our body. We normally wash our feet along with the rest of our body but still it is the feet that become stinky.

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Why do common cold symptoms seem to get worse at night

Why do common cold symptoms seem to get worse at night

Cold and cough can be very annoying and bothersome. It makes us more uneasy during the night. The choked nose, the coughing and the breathing trouble at night doesn’t let you rest or sleep in peace. Due to this you feel sleepy and groggy during the day, feeling worse. Have you ever thought why the cold seems to get worse at night time? Some people apply common logic and believe that as they do not work or keep their minds busy in any other work or buzz, the intensity of the uneasiness seems to increase.

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Why do we fall ill

Why do we fall ill

Illness is an unavoidable part of life. Not just humans but also animals, birds and plants fall sick.  There are innumerable reasons behind illness. The reasons of sickness can be classified into a few groups. There was a time when science had not progressed much and people used to blame ghosts, spirits and black magic for illness. Even the wrath of divine powers used to be assumed as the reason of illness. According to the ancient Chinese medical theory the imbalance of the five natural elements causes illness. They also believe that we get energy for working from the flow of natural energy. When this energy flow gets stopped we fall severely ill.

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Why do people yawn

Why do people yawn

Yawning is a natural phenomenon that can be observed in humans and animals. We assume that boredom and tiredness triggers yawning. To understand the causes of yawning you will have to delve a little deeper. Even the baby in womb is noted to be yawning. Nobody can escape yawning. It is also amusing how people start yawning when they see someone else yawning nearby. Yawning feels quite pleasant as it feels our chest with fresh air. People tend to yawn by opening their mouth and drawing in as much air as they can. We do not learn to yawn. It is an involuntary reaction that we know inherently.

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Why do kids stutter

Why do kids stutter

Stuttering among kids can be a difficult challenge for both parents and the children. But before worrying about your kid’s stuttering issues you should know about the reasons it happens. Very little kids learn to talk by hearing. Some are fast learners and pick up words easily but some learn slowly. There is nothing abnormal about it as the capacity of learning is not equal in every kid. There is a stretch of time when kids slowly start uttering words that they have picked up. At this stage of development they may stutter because speaking in a certain language is a new experience they are getting accustomed with.

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