Why do rubber bands stretch

Why do rubber bands stretch

Rubber bands and their amazing stretching abilities have always fascinated me. Rubber in fact is blessed with the unique ability to stretch to different sizes and come back easily to its original shape and size (mostly). And this particular property is pretty evident in rubber bands that can be stretched to as big a size as possible, and can return back to their original shape and size when let loose.

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Why do people abuse children

Why do people abuse children

Not even a single day goes by without a headline screaming out of tabloids of an individual who physically or emotionally abused a child. It makes us think whether these people are even human to subject a child to such torture. What were they actually thinking when they committed the heinous crime? How could they just walk away from the incident as if nothing happened in the first place?

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Why do we read

Why do we read

Reading is something that should not need reason. People, who love to read, do it for pleasure. Other people who need some incentive for reading books, newspapers, or any other printed information may like to know the benefits of reading. The most important reason for reading is definitely knowledge. People read for becoming more knowledgeable. Every day we read different stuff like fiction, non-fiction, magazines, and news papers. With time constraints and work pressure many people have turned to online reading. They prefer reading blogs and articles online and also contribute as best as they can. Reading increases our mental ability and makes our mind more receptive to new ideas.

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Why do we need government

Why do we need government

Governance is crucial for every organization, may it be a company or a country. Without a government there will be only anarchy. The fundamental reason why we need a government is that we need to maintain law and order for keeping the society stable. No society can prosper without stability. There are many forms of governments and which one works for a particular country is a matter of in depth discussion but we cannot neglect the importance of government. Government is created by humans for humans. Every country has a government that is responsible for running the country and maintains its different aspects.

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Why do men indulge in multiple affairs

Why do men indulge in multiple affairs

Affairs are complicated and more complicated are the reasons why men indulge in affairs. Cheating in a relationship and having affairs going on at the side is very common phenomenon for both men and women. There are multiple reasons that instigate a man to start an affair. The first and most vital is that they want adventure and thrill. Think about it, the first three four months of your relationship were the most memorable. The sneaking around, the playful dates and the attempts of impressing your partner, all this makes a man feel more alive. Most men do not get seriously involved with a girl they are having an affair with and will not dream of leaving their family for her.

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Why do men withdraw

Why do men withdraw

Relationships are complicated and delicate. They need to be handled with care because if something goes wrong then making it right can be really difficult. Women often complain that their male partner has distanced himself from them or they have withdrawn themselves. For a woman, many a time, it is almost impossible to figure out why a guy is acting in a certain manner.

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Why do we have seasons

Why do we have seasons

Why do we have different seasons? Why is that while certain places on the earth’s surface experience heat filled summers, others experience extremely cold winters at the same time? And what is the deciding factor that establishes which place would experience season at which time of the year? Here are some answers that might help us out.

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