Why do we need sugar

Why do we need sugar

Generally the sweetening white or brown colored substance added to food is considered to be sugar. The truth is that sugar is a form of carbohydrate that is present in most foods that we consume daily. In all the vegetables and fruits there is sugar and avoiding it can be practically difficult and even impossible. We need sugar because it provides us with energy. Our body absorbs glucose or sugar from all sorts of food after digestion has been completed. This absorbed sugar is then stored in our body for future use and sent to all the body cells.

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Why do we save money

Why do we save money

Some things we learn by experiencing them and some things we learn by observing. Saving money is a necessity of life which some of us realize as naturally as they realized the need to breathe yet some of us learn to save money only when they face very difficult circumstances. Having to live without any money for your immediate needs can be very challenging. The first reason why people save is because they want to stay prepared for sudden expenses that may arise. Putting your money in a bank account helps you earn interest on the sum. It is definitely a better way of saving money than just stashing it inside your locker.

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Why do we need to save tigers

Why do we need to save tigers

The age old tradition of hunting tigers to establish human valor over the fiercely free spirited animals have been stopped, at least partially, with strict laws but still a lot needs to be done for conserving tigers. The number of tigers in India has come down to a meager 1411 or probably even less.  There was a time when the jungles were full of the fiery creatures but human activities and scarcity of trees have made it difficult for the tigers to survive. Many tiger reserve forests have been established and talks are going on for more of them.

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Why do we need to study economics

Why do we need to study economics

From the very early stage of human civilization, economics have been a part of our society. It has changed its shape and size many times but without economics a civilization cannot sustain or survive. It is one of the subjects the knowledge of which can be used in daily life in various ways. The knowledge of economics makes us more aware of the financial and economical activities of the society. For livelihood all of us have to engage in some work or other. With the help of economics we can gauge the financial circumstances and take precautions that are necessary in adverse economical conditions.

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Why do we need to save water

Why do we need to save water

In childhood we read in our geography books that three fourth of our earth consists of water bodies. We live on the one fourth that is left. Though there is so much water out there we can barely use 1% of it for drinking, bathing, cultivation and industrial work. This is because the amount of fresh water compared to the total amount of water on earth is negligible. Most of the water bodies consist of saline water which we cannot drink or use for different daily purposes. Most of us have been blessed to have water at our beck and call but there are millions of people for whom fresh and clean drinking or bathing water is a privilege.

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Why do people need to drink water

Why do people need to drink water

Water is synonymous to life and the importance of drinking water cannot be emphasized enough. Water is one of the main constituents of our body and this is evident from the fact that 60% of our body is water. To keep the governing center of our body, the brain, hydrated we need to drink water because 70% of the brain is made of water. Every cell and the blood need water for maintaining the right pressure and balance inside our body. The very first living organism originated in the water of ocean. One of the most vital functions of water is to help in excretion. It removes the harmful toxins and chemicals from our body. If we drink little or no water then we will face problems in urination and fall ill.

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Why do cattle need salt mineral blocks to lick

Why do cattle need salt mineral blocks to lick

Just like human beings, the cattle too need nutrition or else they become weak and malnourished. One of the primary sources of nutrition for the cattle is mineral blocks. It contains the minerals necessary for different body functions. Many a times the cattle do not get the nutrients they need from just grazing on the fields. They need salt blocks for supplementing the minerals their bodies require. Deficiency of each different mineral can cause complicated health disorder among the cattle which in turn can incur financial loss. To prevent such occurrence salt blocks are used by cattle owners.

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Why do we need salt

Why do we need salt

Too much of any good thing can be harmful and even injurious. Salt is one of the primary food ingredients that are attached with our daily life. Though a trend of cutting down salt in regular foods is gaining importance, the necessity of salt in our body cannot be denied. Just like any other good thing if salt is consumed in plenty then it might raise the chances of water retention in your body and cause high blood pressure. Salt provides our body with two vital minerals like sodium and iodine. Without sodium and iodine many of our physical functions will get disrupted. Moderate consumption of salt helps us keep fit.

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Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than other

Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than other

Not being attractive can be a sad thing but not being attractive to the mosquitoes is a blessing. However, the phenomenon which makes mosquitoes interested in biting some people more than others have made researchers busy. Mosquito bites can do a great lot of harm by spreading dangerous disease like malaria. The people who seem to attract more mosquito bites are more likely to fall prey to this dangerous disease. Only the female mosquitoes bite people and suck blood for the purpose of reproduction. According to scientific discoveries, the female mosquito collects protein from blood and lays eggs with the help of that protein.

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Why do mosquitoes bite

Why do mosquitoes bite

Ever wondered why the tiny and irritating mosquitoes try to bite you and come back to seat on an open portion of your body surface every time you vigorously shoo them away? Well though we generalize biting as a common mosquito trait only the female population bites us. The men have no part in the biting rituals. Mosquitoes depend on the nectar of plants for food. Male mosquitoes are incapable of laying eggs and that is why they don’t need blood but female mosquitoes require blood proteins and they bite to get the blood for reproduction.

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